Supported Employment
VR Supported Employment (SE) is a comprehensive service package for VR customers.
VR SE enables customers with the most significant disabilities to enter competitive integrated employment by:
providing individualized assistance in finding an appropriate job match;
providing ongoing support services; and
establishing extended services, sometimes called long-term supports, for the customer to maintain a long-term competitive integrated employment outcome by:
identifying resources to deliver the extended services;
training extended services providers;
confirming that extended services are in place, if needed, to make sure the job is stable; and
ensuring all known needs are met before achievement of SE Benchmark 6, Service Closure.
By being matched to a job first and then receiving ongoing supports and training, the customer develops job-readiness skills while on the job. An employer who hires a VR customer is expected to provide the same training to the VR customer as the employer would provide to other new employees, with help and support from the VR counselor and the SE specialist.