Work Experience
Work Experience services allow a customer to be placed at a business or agency within the community to learn skills for long-term, competitive, integrated employment. These entities are referred to as "Work Experience sites." Work Experience services are intended to be short term (12 or fewer weeks) and part-time. Work Experience can take place in a volunteer, internship, or temporary short-term paid-work setting.
Work Experience services are available for students or youth with disabilities and basic Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) customers and may be used to determine a customer’s eligibility for VR.
Work Experience may assist in:
determining if a customer is ready for competitive, integrated employment;
evaluating if, after a change in the customer’s abilities or newly acquired vocational barriers, the customer continues to have the capacity to work in a particular field;
exploring a customer's career options;
developing skills to increase a customer's employability; and/or
giving a customer additional experience related to vocational training or a degree.
Work Experience services provide an opportunity for customers to:
learn and experience work culture;
identify career interests;
explore potential career goals;
identify on-the-job support needs;
develop employability skills and good work habits;
gain an understanding of employer expectations;
build self-confidence;
develop soft and hard skills;
gain work experience and competencies in a vocation;
develop an understanding of the workplace; and/or
gain the connection between working and earning.